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Down Under Got Solar Not Molar

Down Under Got Solar Not Molar

In what famous travel writer Bill Bryson coined a sunburned country, sadly the fanfare for dental care is not as ebullient as the copious amount of solar energy surging down upon the Aussies. Even with a socialized type of dental insurance thrust upon them by the Commonwealth that encompasses sister countries such as Canada, Britain, and New Zealand, unfortunately fewer than half ever use it. This is because most procedures of importance are only partially covered, such as cosmetic dentistry. Yes, it’s nothing but down and dirty dentistry down under, fair dinkum.

In the land of ingenuity, however, Australians have found a way around the system by which they are bound. Even though they live in a country which doubles as a continent and possibly a planet all its own, they have discovered that the most exotic thing their Southeast Asian neighbors offer is affordable dental care. This, above all other things, has prompted people to venture forth from the Land of Oz to places such as the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia and Indonesia. These are places, quite honestly, that the average outbacker would poke fun of ordinarily. This bravado is merely a façade, however, as most Australians are simply trying to hide their fear of spicy food. If you want to watch a grown man from Perth cry, give him a nacho chip with a drop of Tabasco sauce on it.

Australians Better Off Traveling For Dental Care

Australians Better Off Traveling For Dental Care

Dental Tourism for Australians Makes Sense

No doubt, Australia is a modern and vibrant country. Tourists and citizens both agree that it is heavenly. Nothing rivals the natural and man-made wonders that are unique to this land down under. From the Opera House in Sydney, to Ayer’s Rock in the Outback, to the hidden shores of westernmost Perth; Australia is a truly wondrous continent nation. People in most other countries around the world would gladly trade their lives for one in Oz, and many already have. 

Sadly, however, the dream life does not extend to dental care. Moreover, it does not span the healthcare system in general. As a member of the British Commonwealth, Australia has been bound to a similar socialist system that its sister countries such as Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom have all been submitted to. In Australia, unfortunately, the results have been particularly dismal. 

Australians Traveling to the Philippines for Dental Implants

Australians Traveling to Philippines for Dental Implants

The Philippines for Dental Implants

In a previous article, we extolled the virtues of Australia as a modern and vibrant country. We touched on the fact that the dream life does not extend to dental care, however.  We discussed the fact that in a country nearly the size of the United States, but containing only slightly more than 18 million people, barely half are covered by dental insurance. For those that are covered, elective and specialized procedures are either not included, or require a huge expenditure. The average Australian, whether insured or not, faces the same dilemma: Where in the world to get the same level of dental care that matches their first-world lifestyle. 

We proposed a simple solution: Dental tourism. Even though the Australian Government rails against it and urban legend are rife with tales of stolen vital organs in third-world countries, many Australians are finding the advantages of dental care in foreign lands. Many, as we have already mentioned, are making a holiday, or vacation of the entire affair. Imagine getting superb dental work done while you are having fun. Unheard of!