Porcelain Veneers, Dental Laminates

dental veneers and laminates

Dentists often call them direct composite veneers, many people just refer to them generically as "bonding." Composite bonding usually is an ideal and less expensive solution for people with chips, gaps between the teeth, staining and discoloration, slight crookedness and misshapen teeth.

Porcelain veneers (also referred to as dental laminates), are ultra-thin custom-made shells of tooth-colored ceramic materials that are bonded to the front of teeth in order to cover worn tooth enamel, discolored or cracked or chipped teeth that have uneven spacing, or are out of alignment.

Dental veneers look natural, are stain resistant and can make dark teeth appear whiter.

Depending on the expertise and artistry of the dentist, they will give you an attractive, natural smile by creating teeth that are bright, white, aligned and shapely.

Dental veneers are considered a more conservative alternative to dental crowns and, other than normal brushing and flossing, no special care is required.